Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Water leakage in an Air-Conditioner

A fully functional air conditioner is the most desirable gadget that every household needs during summer. Sometimes even the small cooling issues can lead to big problems forcing you to compromise on cost and comfort levels during hot, sultry days.

One of the most annoying problems that you may encounter with an air conditioner is the dreaded water leak. A water seepage from the air conditioning system can be challenging indeed and difficult to diagnose. It can have multiple root causes and several solutions. This article focuses on few basic things to be considered if there is a water leak noticed in the air conditioning unit.

Main reasons for water leakage in an air-conditioner:
  • Faulty pump: The most recurring cause for water leak in an air conditioner is a faulty condenser pump. The main job of this pump is to drive water out of your house. This is the water that is removed from room air by your air conditioning unit. Due to constant presence of water in the pump, it may get clogged and its capacity to pump water may get hindered. This can be tested by pouring water in the condenser pan to see if it can properly pump out excess water.
  • Clogged drain line: There is a drain hole in an air conditioner for the wasted water to be driven out. Over time, dirt gets accumulated that may mix with water thereby clogging the drain pipe. Since water flow in the drain pipe becomes restricted due to congestion, water starts leaking through the main unit. By identifying the exit pipe for your drain, the water leak problem can be solved.
  • Improper installation: When the main air conditioning unit and drains are not properly installed, it can cause several problems, including water leakage. A window air conditioner must be installed so that it is slightly lower at the rear than the front. This allows easy removal of water from the room towards back of the machine. If installed too low at the front, this water flows into the room rather than moving outside.
  • A frozen coil: If airflow is impeded due to extensive use of the air conditioner, frost can form on the evaporator coil which eventually melts thus causing water seepage. The first thing to check in such a scenario is the air conditioner filter. If filters are clogged, air flow to the system is blocked and ice may form on the coil. Even the intake registers need to be checked to ensure that nothing is blocking the air flow into the system. Turning off the unit for a few hours every few days to allow the ice to melt may prove to be a feasible solution.
  • A worn-out insulation coil: The insulation coil, at the back of the main unit is responsible for soaking up condensation that is formed on the copper wire. Due to daily wear and tear, this coil may not function properly, thereby causing water to leak from the back of the unit.

Final word of advice, do contact a reliable HVAC technician to ensure professional handling of the water leakage issue.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What To Do When The Air Conditioner Blows Warm Air?

Sultry summer days can turn worse if the air conditioner starts blowing hot air. While it is a general idea that the central air would always emit cool, refreshing air sometimes your air conditioner may just refuse to co-operate and that too when the mercury touches the maximum range. In fact, the cooling unit emitting hot air is one common problem that most households face from time to time.

Discussed below are few reasons why your air conditioner might blow warm air and how to solve this burning issue in time.

Thermostat switched to heat mode:

This is a very basic problem which air conditioner owners often overlook. It might be a very simple one that can be solved by checking whether the thermostat is switched on to the heat mode. If yes, then you need to just reverse it to the ‘cool’ mode.

Problem in Condenser and Compressor:

If you have already checked the setting of air conditioner thermostat, next is the time to take a close look at the compressor and condenser. Make sure that the outside power supply is switched on. If not then the system starts functioning from the inside handler, but you won’t realize the cooling effect.

Checking the condenser coils:

The condenser coil needs to be checked for accumulation of dirt and lint. This could seriously impact the cooling unit. In fact, condenser coils are needed to be maintained on a regular basis during summer months. Unlike changing the air filter professional assistance is needed to clean the condenser coil.

Dirty air filter:

An unclean filter can obstruct the condensing coil of your air conditioner with dust and pollutants thereby causingthe unit to freeze up. To avoid this, make sure the air filter is changed or checked every season, especially before the start of summer. A maintenance plan should be readied by consulting any renowned HVAC contractor from your locality. This would ensure proper cleaning and installation of the air conditioning unit filter.

Refrigerant problems:

Refrigerant related problems are often the outcome of compressor snags or leakage. In worst cases, cool air might stop completely. This primarily occurs due to reduced refrigerant charge. The main symptom is a deposition of ice on the exterior or the interior unit. Just a nominal repair can solve the problem, provided the compressor is in sound shape.

To-do tips:

Fixing problems of the air conditioner is not that difficult. Prompt planning beforehand and executing them sequentially are best ways to handle the issue. Preventative maintenance is suggested for the unit on a regular basis. In order to avoid serious cooling problems during summers you must schedule an annual tune up.

By keeping a check on the above mentioned factors you can easily reduce expensive repair costs. The final piece of advice which every user should follow is seeking professional assistance whenever some snag is sensed with the cooling unit. There are numerous air conditioner servicing companies ready to offer prompt services within reasonable budget. Get in touch with the right one to ensure long life of your precious air conditioner.