Thursday, 18 December 2014

What does installation of central heating system involve?

Central heating helps in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the house with only minor variations in heating from room to room. The system gets rid of the unpleasant floor or wall-mounted heaters. Although installation of central heating should be left to a professional, with few simple tools, you can also do it yourself.

How is central heating installed?
Create a blueprint:
The first step involves deciding where the ducting will run with the help of an updated plan of the house. The most important thing to see is if the house has a cellar or an attic. If the house has both, you will have to decide between the floors or ceilings to create vent openings.

The next step involves cutting out vent openings in the ceiling or floor and installing duct openings.
Decide where the air handler and furnace will go and mount them as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Move the ducting to the farthest opening from the furnace. 

Also, mount a Y-pipe for every duct opening. Add a second Y-pipe to make two close openings in rooms. Fit hard ducting within a couple of feet of the duct opening and link it with flexible ducting. Repeat the process for each duct opening. If required, cover the main duct with a cap.

Make sure all ducting connections are secure by installing three self-tapping screws around every connection. Coat the connection and screw location liberally with sealing putty.
Direct a 20 gauge cable from the furnace to the location where you wish to mount your thermostat. Connect all the wires at both the ends as per installation instructions for every unit. Thermostat connections will require a screwdriver, while connections at the furnace-side may require twisting together the two wires and securing them with wire nuts or screw blocks.
Rout 12-2:
Direct a 12-2 wire from the air handler and furnace to the electrical breaker/ fuse panel. Connect white to white and black to black. Twist the wire nuts securely onto both the connections. You will also have to fix the bare wire to a secure ground.

The last step involves connecting all the wires to the electrical panel and getting the heating unit ready. This stage involves moving fuses and breakers for balancing the electrical load. 

Although it is possible to install central heating on your own, it is best to leave the technicalities to professionals. The installation of the system is complex and requires technical know-how. There are several expert HVAC installation and maintenance companies out these who can help you with your system and ensure it works seamlessly all season long.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Five most common central heating problems

Having a central heating system is no longer a luxury. For those who live in cold climates, central heating system is a necessity to survive the chilly winter cold. However, installing a quality system isn’t enough, it is also important to make sure your machine remains in good shape the whole year round. By performing regular maintenance, you will be able to avoid costly maintenance charges and a cold house during unbearable winters.

Once you’re aware of the top five problems related to central heating, you will be in perfect position to keep your home comfortable and warm. 
  1. Complete heat loss - If switching on your furnace gives absolutely no response, the first thing you must do is isolate the issue – try to analyze where the problem lies. In case the system isn’t getting enough electrical power, it is best to call an electrician. Check out the pilot light. If it’s not igniting, the problem probably lies with the gas supply. You will have to call the gas supplier to tackle this issue. Also, check if the thermostat is “on” and the temperature is high enough to trigger the furnace.
  2. Partial heat loss - If your furnace is giving out heat but is not operating at its best efficiency, you may have different problems going on. It is a possibility that your ductwork system is suffering from blockages or leaks. In case you have radiators, it is also possible that the radiators require bleeding to get rid of trapped air.
  3. Problem with the ductwork system - Since ductwork is used extensively throughout the house, there can be several blockages due to insects or rodents. A blockage in the ductwork will normally require the services of a professional, who can analyze and fix the problem. Leaks in ductwork, leading to evasion of heat from the ducts also necessitates expert service to mend.
  4. Pilot light issues - It is important for the pilot light to be lit continuously for the furnace to work efficiently. If you check the light and it is not lit, you will have to reignite it. In case you see the pilot light is set to “on”, test its strength. The flame has to be blue and strong – not weak and yellow. A weak pilot light can be extremely dangerous, leading to high levels of fatal carbon monoxide. It is best to call a professional if you ever face pilot light issues. 
  5. Broken Thermostat - If you observe that your thermostat is malfunctioning, with freezing temperatures one minute and high temperatures soon after, then the thermostat is probably broken. This can cause the machine to misread the real temperature of the room and fail to run properly. It is best to call a professional to recalibrate the thermostat. In case the device is beyond repair, consider getting it replaced.
You may not be able to handle central heating problems on your own; you can certainly diagnose and get a professional to perform the repairs. Use information available over the internet to troubleshoot the furnace. It is also a good idea to call up experienced central heating maintenance providers for professional assistance. 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Water leakage in an Air-Conditioner

A fully functional air conditioner is the most desirable gadget that every household needs during summer. Sometimes even the small cooling issues can lead to big problems forcing you to compromise on cost and comfort levels during hot, sultry days.

One of the most annoying problems that you may encounter with an air conditioner is the dreaded water leak. A water seepage from the air conditioning system can be challenging indeed and difficult to diagnose. It can have multiple root causes and several solutions. This article focuses on few basic things to be considered if there is a water leak noticed in the air conditioning unit.

Main reasons for water leakage in an air-conditioner:
  • Faulty pump: The most recurring cause for water leak in an air conditioner is a faulty condenser pump. The main job of this pump is to drive water out of your house. This is the water that is removed from room air by your air conditioning unit. Due to constant presence of water in the pump, it may get clogged and its capacity to pump water may get hindered. This can be tested by pouring water in the condenser pan to see if it can properly pump out excess water.
  • Clogged drain line: There is a drain hole in an air conditioner for the wasted water to be driven out. Over time, dirt gets accumulated that may mix with water thereby clogging the drain pipe. Since water flow in the drain pipe becomes restricted due to congestion, water starts leaking through the main unit. By identifying the exit pipe for your drain, the water leak problem can be solved.
  • Improper installation: When the main air conditioning unit and drains are not properly installed, it can cause several problems, including water leakage. A window air conditioner must be installed so that it is slightly lower at the rear than the front. This allows easy removal of water from the room towards back of the machine. If installed too low at the front, this water flows into the room rather than moving outside.
  • A frozen coil: If airflow is impeded due to extensive use of the air conditioner, frost can form on the evaporator coil which eventually melts thus causing water seepage. The first thing to check in such a scenario is the air conditioner filter. If filters are clogged, air flow to the system is blocked and ice may form on the coil. Even the intake registers need to be checked to ensure that nothing is blocking the air flow into the system. Turning off the unit for a few hours every few days to allow the ice to melt may prove to be a feasible solution.
  • A worn-out insulation coil: The insulation coil, at the back of the main unit is responsible for soaking up condensation that is formed on the copper wire. Due to daily wear and tear, this coil may not function properly, thereby causing water to leak from the back of the unit.

Final word of advice, do contact a reliable HVAC technician to ensure professional handling of the water leakage issue.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What To Do When The Air Conditioner Blows Warm Air?

Sultry summer days can turn worse if the air conditioner starts blowing hot air. While it is a general idea that the central air would always emit cool, refreshing air sometimes your air conditioner may just refuse to co-operate and that too when the mercury touches the maximum range. In fact, the cooling unit emitting hot air is one common problem that most households face from time to time.

Discussed below are few reasons why your air conditioner might blow warm air and how to solve this burning issue in time.

Thermostat switched to heat mode:

This is a very basic problem which air conditioner owners often overlook. It might be a very simple one that can be solved by checking whether the thermostat is switched on to the heat mode. If yes, then you need to just reverse it to the ‘cool’ mode.

Problem in Condenser and Compressor:

If you have already checked the setting of air conditioner thermostat, next is the time to take a close look at the compressor and condenser. Make sure that the outside power supply is switched on. If not then the system starts functioning from the inside handler, but you won’t realize the cooling effect.

Checking the condenser coils:

The condenser coil needs to be checked for accumulation of dirt and lint. This could seriously impact the cooling unit. In fact, condenser coils are needed to be maintained on a regular basis during summer months. Unlike changing the air filter professional assistance is needed to clean the condenser coil.

Dirty air filter:

An unclean filter can obstruct the condensing coil of your air conditioner with dust and pollutants thereby causingthe unit to freeze up. To avoid this, make sure the air filter is changed or checked every season, especially before the start of summer. A maintenance plan should be readied by consulting any renowned HVAC contractor from your locality. This would ensure proper cleaning and installation of the air conditioning unit filter.

Refrigerant problems:

Refrigerant related problems are often the outcome of compressor snags or leakage. In worst cases, cool air might stop completely. This primarily occurs due to reduced refrigerant charge. The main symptom is a deposition of ice on the exterior or the interior unit. Just a nominal repair can solve the problem, provided the compressor is in sound shape.

To-do tips:

Fixing problems of the air conditioner is not that difficult. Prompt planning beforehand and executing them sequentially are best ways to handle the issue. Preventative maintenance is suggested for the unit on a regular basis. In order to avoid serious cooling problems during summers you must schedule an annual tune up.

By keeping a check on the above mentioned factors you can easily reduce expensive repair costs. The final piece of advice which every user should follow is seeking professional assistance whenever some snag is sensed with the cooling unit. There are numerous air conditioner servicing companies ready to offer prompt services within reasonable budget. Get in touch with the right one to ensure long life of your precious air conditioner.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Common Air Conditioning Mistakes Which Should be Avoided

Rising mercury has a direct impact on air conditioner usage. The more the air conditioning unit is used, greater remain chances of the system developing snags. Awareness about common air conditioning problems certainly helps ensure optimal energy consumption and comfortable cooling. Listed below are few such common air conditioning mistakes that can easily be avoided:

1.      Skipping maintenance work
A well-maintained air conditioner always works efficiently which becomes evident from the pleasantly cool air that it spreads! Regular maintenance ensures longer life span of the air conditioner. Some work can be done at home like checking duct lines for leakage, cleaning filters and evaporator coil, etc. Never skip or ignore maintenance work. Help is always available in the form of an HVAC technician who can assist you with regular maintenance.

2.      Size misfits
Most people are of the notion that a bigger air conditioner cools better and faster. Even though it is true to an extent, an oversized air conditioner doesn’t generate uniform temperature or reduce humidity. This defeats the whole purpose of using the cooling unit in warm climates. The best option is to refer to Consumer Reports worksheet to help find the right sized air conditioner. An HVAC technician can be consulted too.

3.      Unreasonable thermostat settings
If a thermostat is set too low, then more energy is wasted. Then if it is set too high, then the air conditioner would fail to even turn on or go bust in some cases. To avoid these problems, reasonable thermostat settings are to be adopted. A programmable thermostat best serves this purpose. Another major area of concern is accidental heating up of the thermostat. This usually happens when other electrical appliances like lamps, televisions, refrigerators, etc. are placed close to the air conditioning system. The heat generated by these electronic gadgets causes the thermostat to malfunction inadvertently.

4.      Closure of unused vents and openings
Though it may seem like a good idea to prevent escaping of conditioned air outside, the efficiency of a central air conditioning system might get affected in the longer run. An HVAC expert can be consulted in this regard, especially for the summer months. Another strict no-no would be to close off any room that has a thermostat installed.

5.      Wrong placement of the cooling unit
Most people prefer relatively unused spots to install their air conditioners in homes. However, such placement only puts excess pressure on the unit. Some people choose to place the air conditioning unit behinds shrubs or plants. This hinders ventilation and leads to clogged air filters. Such minor issues ultimately result in decreased efficiency of the air conditioner. An HVAC expert usually suggests the ideal place for cooling system installation, as the east or north side of the house. This is to ensure that the air conditioner is installed in a shady spot and away from direct sunlight.

These above discussed air conditioning mistakes might sound quite simple but most households tend to forget the basic rules while installing/maintaining the unit. Rather than allowing these minor cooling mistakes take a major turn, you should get in touch with a trustworthy HVAC company for unbiased guidance and timely action.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Three Minor Problems Which Can Seriously Affect the Cooling Unit

There are quite a number of common air conditioning problems that tend to affect overall performance of the cooling unit. These minor issues lead to more drastic problems such as the unit going off completely and needing an overhaul. There can be other problems like wasted energy, rising monthly power bills, non-performance or under performance of the air conditioning unit. All these might lead to the air conditioner replacement. Therefore, it is important that these minor problems are checked regularly and taken care of immediately, to ensure efficient performance of the cooling unit.

The three common and minor problems which can severely affect your cooling unit’s performance are:

1.      Uneven and insufficient cooling

This is one of the most common problems which every air conditioner user might have experienced now and then. It may happen that the air conditioning unit fails to cool your home sufficiently or evenly. This problem is caused due to inaccurate thermostat settings. Blame it on a dead battery too. The lower a thermostat is set, higher is the energy consumed by the central air. Therefore, thermostat settings should be adjusted reasonably and this objective can be best achieved using a programmable thermostat.

Duct lines that are cracked, disconnected or not installed properly may lead to conditioned air leaking out which eventually result in uneven cooling. The condenser unit present in the exterior part of the air conditioner might get clogged with leaves and other debris leading to underperformance of the cooling system.

2.      Short Cycling

The term “Short Cycling” refers to successive switching on and off sequences of the air conditioning system. This problem occurs either from dirty and iced coils or a clogged air filter.

Dirty or iced coils result in shutting down of the cooling unit as their ability to transfer heat gets restricted with accumulation of dirt or ice. A clogged air filter results in excessive buildup of dirt and debris inside coils and hence requires immediate cleaning. A high efficiency air filter surely helps avoid the problem of short cycling altogether.

3.      Failure of the cooling unit to turn or its abrupt shut down

A tripped circuit breaker is to be blamed if the air conditioner is not switching on properly or shutting down abruptly. The circuit just needs to be reset when this issue crops up. In some cases, the cooling unit fails to turn on if the thermostat is set too high. To avoid this issue, the thermostat should be adjusted 5 degrees lower than the initial point before restarting. Reasonable thermostat settings are to be adopted thereafter.

Apart from these aforementioned issues, the motor in air handler system may burnout due to clogged air filters. This means excessive energy is needed to push cool air through duct lines, thereby leading to failure of the cooling unit and its abrupt shutting down. Thus it is even more significant to clean the air filter regularly.

Regular maintenance of a cooling unit is absolutely vital for its efficient performance. Whenever you notice any of these minor cooling problems raising their heads, do immediately get in touch with an HVAC expert for unbiased guidance and timely action.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Tips to Protect Your Air Conditioner during Hurricane

Natural disasters like cloudburst or hurricane doesn’t strike with prior notice. However, when it does, often the severity is such that it leaves many households in shambles.  Mostly electronic gadgets like home air conditioners take the maximum blow. Even after the effect of hurricane subsides, you may find the cooling unit in an unstable condition.  So, how to protect the air conditioning system from a thunderstorm’s catastrophic effect?

Take Precautionary Measures before the Storm Strikes

Start taking preventive steps before the hurricane season sets in. If you are aware of the approximate time when the storm is going to strike, then prior to that, turn on the air conditioner. Adjust the setting such that the indoor temperature turns several degrees cooler than normal level. Such a pre-cooling helps keep the home temperature comfortable for longer hours, even if power failure happens accidentally.

Should you operate the cooling unit during the hurricane?

The answer is a big No. Strictly make sure that the air conditioning unit is switched off as the cyclone strikes.  In many areas, the power supply gets interrupted during heavy storm or downpour. If the air conditioner is running at that time, it might suffer severe damage because of erratic power failures. As and when natural disaster strikes, irregular power interruptions put additional pressure on the compressor and other components of the cooling unit. Thus, you might end up changing the entire unit or some of its crucial components, once the stormy season is over.

What you should do after the tropical storm passes?

It is suggested that you turn on the cooling unit, as early as possible. Some delay might happen because of power problems, still try to operate once the power condition returns to normalcy. Keeping the unit idle for too long, means you are inviting mold to grow in the unit’s ducts and system. Your home as well as the air conditioning system has just now gone through an extreme heat and high moisture weather mayhem. This provides perfect setting for mold to thrive.

At the same time, be careful if you suspect something amiss with the central air’s operation. In case, you feel the storm’s severity has damaged an inside part of the cooling system then trying to run would make the situation even worse. Detection or evidence of any electrical smoke should be taken seriously. In such a scenario, get it immediately checked by any skilled HVAC professional.

Prepare your Air Conditioner to Ward off Storm Effect

One thing to be kept in mind is that it is not always a hurricane which harms your cooling system. Sometimes heavy wind and rain play havoc too, damaging the air conditioning unit. So after any such natural disaster, you should consider a thorough checkup of the cooling system with special stress on duct cleaning.

No matter how devastating the hurricane looks, by following these simple tips you can efficiently protect the air conditioner throughout the stormy season.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

How to Make your Window Air Conditioner Burglar-proof?

With mercury rising incessantly inside skyscraper cells, air conditioner units have become an indispensable part of modern city life. A window air conditioning unit provides efficient cooling in little time. Of course being an electronic device, the risk related to a sudden break down always remains for which certain precautionary measures can be taken.

Apart from technical snags, something even worse can happen to the cooling unit. Your window air conditioner might become an easy burglary target! Homeowners, therefore have to be little more careful and adopt extra precautionary measures to make their air cooling systems burglar-proof.

External Brackets

Get a high quality external bracket for your air conditioning unit as soon as possible. These brackets provide additional support to the cooling unit while securing it well with the window. This in turn serves two purposes. Firstly, it becomes very difficult to move the air conditioner. Secondly, no one can easily break into your house by pushing the device inwards.

Corner Braces

Function wise, corner braces are almost similar to external brackets. You can still install braces to enhance security arrangement. When corner braces are attached to all four sides of the air conditioner, these help secure the device properly. Then these braces protect the surrounding wall area too thereby preventing the device from being pulled out or pushed in.

Window Locks

To prevent burglars from tampering with window frames of the sliding window you need to install high quality window locks. There are two varieties available in the market, i.e., screwed and bolted. Both types are equally effective. The lock can be used to secure frames from both sides as well as up and down. Position the locks strategically. For maximum efficiency, place them along the line where the window meets the wall.

Vent Flaps

Typically an air conditioning device is smaller in size than the window. Therefore the free area outlining the cooling machine becomes an easy target for burglars. So to make sure no one takes advantage of this free space, you can install metal or plastic vent flaps. Secure the vents tightly so that no tampering can be done.

Sensor Alarms

To prevent any burglary attempt, install miniature high sensor alarm devices. These alarms can be positioned right on top of the AC so that any attempt to move it even by smallest proportions gets detected immediately. Make sure the alarm works properly and sets off in time.

A high-pitched alarm system is preferred since this will alert you even if you are in another room. Further the high-pitch sound alerts your neighbors too in case you are not at home. Most importantly the alarm sound scares the burglar away.

In case you can’t install an alarm system, try to fake it! Attach symbols denoting an alarm system on your air conditioning unit irrespective of whether you actually have it installed or not. Sounds funny? The strategy does work in such emergencies.

Last but not the least; you can always talk to any air conditioner expert to know how to render maximum protection to your window air conditioning unit.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

How to Assess Heating and Ventilation Loads Before Buying the HVAC System

When it comes to selecting the HVAC system, heating and ventilating loads play significant role. Several environmental factors and design computations determine these loads. So how to know the real significance of heating and ventilation load assessment. Continue reading for an in-depth study.

If you have decided to install an HVAC system in a particular building, then an estimation of heating and ventilation loads should be done first. Based on the outcome you decide, the design and type of HVAC system to be installed. Only an accurate assessment of these loads ensures precise selection of the heating and ventilation system for that building. This way you can be sure that the HVAC system will function consistently and guarantee variable productivity, which is proportionate to the building’s heat load whenever the climate changes. Now the big question is how to assess heating and ventilation loads. Before you take out the calculator, here are some factors needed to be considered while assessing the load. 

  • Know the amount of heat which is spread through areas that are not directly heated.
  • Have an idea about the amount of heat needed to turn that air hot which has penetrated through door, window cracks or through entrances.
  • Know about heat which is needed to make that air hot that has entered the building mechanically as ventilation air.
  • Take into account various other loads.
In order to precisely determine the heating load, you should have an idea of the constant average temperature during night time of the winter season. Also, take into consideration constant supply of heat, if any, is present all the time. Quantity of heat which the building accumulates along with energy of cooling equipments has to be considered for specific design calculations.

It always helps if you have ideas about how to do the estimation of heating loads. Few steps are discussed below.

  • Do conduct an assessment of weather conditions which usually prevail outside the building. For this, you should take into account temperature, humidity and wind’s speed.
  • What kind of indoor air temperature you desire to maintain.
  • Analyze general temperature of adjacent locations that are not heated.
  • Determine heat transmission coefficient.
  • Determine outside areas through which heat gets dispersed or rather wasted.
  • Take into account heat transference losses which happen through bricks, glass and the building base.
  • You should also calculate heat loss which happens through basement areas.
While calculating design and selecting the right HVAC system, structure of the building and for what purpose it is being used, should be assessed accurately.  Its exposure to wind, whether it is receiving direct sunlight, which part of the day this building is mostly used and its period of occupancy, all these factors play crucial roles too.

Thus to sum it up, if you want maximum energy and cost efficiency from the HVAC system, then do carry out thorough assessment of several design and environmental factors. Of course you can talk to an expert for helpful guidance in this regard.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Basic Steps to Clean Air Conditioner Coils

Air conditioner coil is an integral part of the cooling system. This coil performs a very significant function that of exchanging heat from inside air to outside air. Basically, there are two types of coils used in an air conditioning system. The condenser coil, made of aluminum, covers the air conditioner compressor from outside, whereas the evaporator coil is attached at the main duct junction, inside the air conditioner itself. Thus, it is the evaporator coil whose efficient functioning matters the most.

Maintenance of air conditioner coils should be done carefully. To simplify the cleaning process of condenser coil, you need basic equipment like soft brush, grass shears, fin comb, coil cleaner, carpenter’s level and pry bar. On the other hand, for evaporator coils, keep these equipment handy like a stiff brush, screwdriver, household bleach and a large hand mirror.

Cleaning the Evaporator Coil
  • Start by removing the access plate which is situated behind the foil wrapped insulation. Use a screwdriver for the purpose.
  • Clean evaporator coils with the stiff brush. You can use the large hand mirror to see how much dust has gathered on evaporator coils.
  • Make sure to clean the tray placed below evaporator unit. Use the stiff brush for the purpose.
  • If you find it difficult to clean every part of the coil, then pull out the unit a bit to clean it properly.
  • Spread some household bleach into the tray weep holes. This prevents growth of fungus and mold.
  • Finally refit all parts of the entire unit into their appropriate places.

The good thing about evaporator coils is that these are not in direct contact with outside dirt. So, you need not follow a regular cleaning regime for evaporator coils. In case of condenser coil, the story is a bit different. Since these are placed externally i.e. in the outer portion of the air conditioner, you need to be more careful about condenser coil cleaning. Follow these steps.
  • First remove weeds, grasses or creepers that might have grown around the condenser unit.
  • Use a coil cleaner to clean condenser coils. You can opt for commercial coil cleaners which are readily available in the market.
  • Use a soft brush to clean the fins and remove accumulated dirt. A special tool called fin comb is available with which you can make the fins straight.
  • Check out whether the level of condenser unit is horizontal or not. Apply carpenter’s level to check the height of concrete pad on which the condenser is placed. Bring the condenser to horizontal level by using a shim and pry bar.
  • Now that you are done with the cleaning make sure that, all components of the condenser unit that you have taken out for cleaning are now refitted in their appropriate positions.

The above mentioned steps give a generic picture of how to clean air conditioner coils. For customized services and expert guidance, it is always advised that you get in touch with an HVAC expert.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Importance of Air Duct Cleaning in East SF Bay Area

The East Bay area is known for its dramatic variations in weather conditions. If you are in SF Bay area, then you can enjoy cool mornings and pleasant evenings; whereas, midday temperatures might rise slightly. Thus, it is no wonder that San Francisco or East Bay homeowners are bit oblivious to the significance of HVAC system maintenance. Often, they tend to overlook one significant aspect i.e. cleaning of air duct of the HVAC system.

In general, homeowners tend to sincerely consider other aspects of their HVAC systems like changing filter or its general maintenance. The problem is very few give serious thought to the most important component of the unit, i.e., the air duct. This might be because many are unaware of the fact that efficient working of the air duct helps deliver pure heated or cooled air inside the home.

East Bay HVAC professionals always emphasize on air duct cleaning especially for households with pets. A regular cleaning regime is suggested to maintain good health of your entire family. Here are few reasons which should encourage you to seriously consider air duct cleaning.
  • Respiratory problems among children have become quite common nowadays. An unclean duct accumulates dirt, mold spores, rodent droppings and many other germs. When you run the unit, contaminated air gets circulated in your home. So, if you want to live in a healthy and fresh home environment, then don’t feel hesitant investing in air duct maintenance.
  • If you have often wondered exactly from where that unpleasant odor is coming, then blame it on the air duct! Dust and debris gather inside the duct for months, thus emitting intense foul odor right inside the room. To make the situation even worse, small rodents might find their way inside the ductwork in case, the duct has cracks or inaccurate seals. Thus, the room ambiance turns horrible as the smell of decaying rodent vitiates the environment when you switch on the heating or cooling unit.
  • An unclean duct pollutes air and turns your room dirtier. As dusts keep gathering inside the ductwork, these have to find some way out. Ultimately, a portion of dirt ends up right inside your home. Then, you would soon notice more of dust building up on furnishings and floors. Rather than blaming yourself for inefficient home cleaning, take a close look at the unclean air duct.
Being a resident of SF Bay area, you might not need the HVAC system on regular basis but this doesn’t mean you can neglect its maintenance. Don’t think that cleaning or changing filter is just enough. If you want odor-free, dust-free and healthy indoor air, then take proper care of the HVAC unit focusing more on the air duct. Hire a professional heating and air conditioning company that has expertise in offering services in the SF Bay area. A good idea is to check out the company’s track record and performance history before finalizing the service contract. 

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Should You Run a Central Cooling Unit or Three Wall Air Conditioners?

Air conditioning is the perfect way to turn a sultry summer day into a pleasant one. However, escalating energy costs comes in the way of keeping your air conditioner on for longer time. So, does this mean you suffer in the sticky weather? The solution actually lies in finding cost effective and energy efficient cooling solutions.

If you need to air condition an expansive room or the whole house, then it becomes more significant to choose appropriate cooling method. In general, consumers have two options, i.e. pick up three wall window air conditioners or settle for a central air conditioning unit. Now, how do you decide which is the right cooling strategy for the entire house? There are few factors to be considered.

Compare Power Usage

In general, a central air conditioning unit uses more energy than a window unit. A 2.5 ton central cooling unit uses approx. 3,500 watts to keep a 1,500 to 2,000 square-foot home cool. On the other hand, a window system uses energy ranging from 500 to 1440 watts. If you are thinking of installing the central cooling system then include furnace costs too. In order to spread cool air throughout the house, a furnace blower is also needed. This automatically enhances energy expenses.

Unit installation Cost to be Included

When it comes to finalizing an air conditioner, considering only energy costs is not enough. Purchase price and installation cost of the central air unit is clearly much higher than the window unit. You can always do a little calculation to verify the fact. Divide the purchase price and installation costs by estimated number of months you might use it. This brings out the true cost of having an air conditioner. Add monthly utility bill to it and the real picture emerges, which might not appear that presentable for a central unit!

Proper Maintenance Matters Too

So, you think you have covered the entire expenses by considering the purchase price, installation costs and energy bill? Then you are wrong! For the central cooling, maintenance matters a lot. You might have installed an energy efficient unit; but, if the duct is full of holes or poorly insulated, then that affects the entire system’s efficiency. Automatically, cooling costs go up too.

When you pick up a central air unit give special emphasis on proper insulation of ducts. A regular inspection and maintenance routine is highly advisable. In comparison, a window unit runs fine with occasional cleaning/checking, may be yearly once.

While it can’t be denied that the central unit costs more, it is undoubtedly the best and easiest way to cool three or more rooms.

A good idea is to research and compare different cooling alternatives. Even better is to talk to a HVAC specialist. An expert guidance would undoubtedly help in picking up the most appropriate cooling option for your home.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Why do you need to have an energy efficient Air Conditioner

When monthly utility bills start shooting up, you realize that summer is scorching your pocket too! Thus relief lies in having an energy efficient Air Conditioning system which lets you manage the cooling level as per your needs; so that your monthly electricity bills are intact. A yearly assessment is suggested for AC systems which have started aging. Exorbitant energy bills and insufficient cooling are some indications to explore energy efficient cooling options for your home.

A simple replacement decision is not enough. It is very important to be armed with precise information which will help in purchasing an energy efficient air conditioner. The first step should begin from your home.

Know What your Home Needs
  • Your home location; i.e. whether it experiences extreme/moderate weather conditions.
  • What kind of home you live in, what is the total sq. ft., how many stories it has.
  • Your standard comfort level i.e. whether you want extreme cold or excess warmth in your home.

Once these questions are answered, you will be able to shortlist the best AC system within your budget.

Types of Cooling Options

Window AC – Those who are followers of the old school method might prefer this cooling option. The best thing about a Window unit is that it is fairly inexpensive to purchase and really simple to install. However, such a system works best for single rooms but definitely not for the entire home. Unfortunately, it is not an energy efficient option which you realize once those seals start leaking, thereby allowing heat and moisture to seep through the room.

Central Air Conditioning – It helps to control even temperature throughout the house. Then this hidden unit, if properly installed, is a great value addition to your home. The only thing is that you should be prepared to spend a hefty sum for purchase and installation purpose.

The Split Air Conditioning system – It is the most convenient option for maximum homes. Energy efficient and easy to install, the split system cools your entire home thoroughly and quickly. Then there are units which come with special filtration and bacteria killing techniques thus presenting you with fresh indoor air. Some feel that if purchase costs are compared then the Spilt system is comparatively expensive than the Window one. However, the split AC emerges winner in the long run, since it keeps both your home and wallet cool!

Now that you have decided to install a new Air Conditioning system, the next prudent step is to consult any recognized air conditioning specialist for customized analysis of your home cooling needs. Accordingly, you should make the purchase/replacement decision.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

What you should Know about Air Conditioning Filter

Talk about air conditioning components and the first which comes to mind is air conditioning filter. The AC’s performance depends a lot on how the filter is being maintained. A clean filter means you are breathing pure air whereas a dirty filter lets circulation of air filled with pollutants. Each part of the air conditioning system, be it ductwork or the air conditioning refrigerant, needs filter which is thoroughly washed.

What can happen if the air conditioning filter is not maintained properly?

Firstly it will place excessive stress on your monthly energy bills since the AC system works harder to keep the place cool. Since action of each air conditioning part is interlinked, an unclean filter puts greater pressure on other components, thus shortening their life spans. This is turn means the AC system might conk out anytime forcing you to spend more for repair and maintenance purposes. Finally, if you don’t want to compromise with your family’s health then give proper attention to the AC filter.

How often do you change it?

It depends on the AC load, e.g. for home cooling systems, changing the filter every month or alternate months will suffice. However, for commercial or industrial installations, this should be done every alternate week. Don’t wait till the filter turns pitch black with dirt. Rather, follow a proper maintenance schedule.

Sometimes performance of the filter depends on its brand too. You might find some brands sturdier than others. A good idea to judge the filter's ability is by assessing its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), which ranges between 1 to12. Higher rating ensures the filter is more effective in removing not only dust but also animal dander, mold, pollen and other allergens. In general, an air conditioning filter can screen out 3 to 10 microns of particles. A good idea is to consult an air conditioning specialist in this regard to know how often the AC filter should be maintained.

Ensure proper installation of the Air Conditioning Filter

If it is placed inaccurately or loosely, then the ultimate purpose of filtering is lost. Thus the filter needs to be placed in accurate direction which is usually indicated by an arrow marked either on the side or on the face of the filter. Air flow should be in the direction as indicated by the arrow. Then the air conditioning filter needs to be fitted tightly. A perfect seal prevents unfiltered air from seeping in and damaging your air conditioning system. Thus, it is always advisable to get in touch with an HVAC expert only for accurate fitting of the AC filter.

Five common types of air conditioning filters are available in the market. Conventional/ Pleated fiberglass disposable filters, Electrostatic filters, Electronic filters and Carbon Filter, of which the first two are generally used for home/office/industrial/commercial settings. Rather than trying it on your own, better get in touch with an expert to know what filter best suits your AC and how often it needs to be maintained/changed.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

How to Reduce Air Conditioning Costs of Sizeable Homes

If you are the owner of a spacious home, then maintenance and consumption costs of the HVAC system must be a matter of concern. It is quite natural that the air condition costing of a three-storied house has to be greater than a two roomed flat. Does this mean you compromise with the comfort factor, fearing an exorbitant utility bill? Absolutely not! A study shows that by adopting a balanced scientific perspective you can easily save up to 20% in terms of monthly utility bills, irrespective of the home area. Some knickknacks can help you get some positive results:

Routine Cleaning of the HVAC Unit

This is one procedure which should be followed on a regular basis, especially for large buildings. A general cleaning helps remove dusts particles from air that could cause health hazards. Also the cleaning puts lesser pressure on the AC since dust-free air remains cooler and circulates faster throughout the building.

Check  Air Conditioner Unit Components

This should include a detailed checkup and maintenance of ducts, airflow gauges, air filter, coils and refrigerants. If needed, necessary repair/replacement should be done immediately. With this procedure the AC system can function better. Simultaneously energy consumption is reduced. Always keep in mind that delay in air filter replacement, duct status or refrigerant check means hike in electricity bill. At the same time, your AC maintenance costs shoot up too.

Now, that you are aware of basic guidelines, the next logical step is to consult a reliable and experienced HVAC contractor. It is very important to entrust the job to a qualified company only, if you are really serious about reducing carbon footprint. Primary responsibilities of the HVAC contractor are to provide fresh indoor air and keep energy consumption to a minimum level. Here are few aspects you need to assess prior to engaging a firm for AC installation/ upkeep of your expansive home.

  • How long the company is in business?  A sound track record of at least over 20 years does help in offering specialized air conditioning assistance, especially for huge setups.
  • Does the firm have technicians and installers who are properly certified and up-to-date with relevant information? This is one crucial factor which is to be verified. After all you don’t want to end up with incompetent technicians who have no idea if your AC needs filter replacement or coil cleaning!
  • Is the company located at a convenient position? Do they respond promptly to your emergency call? A central location and an exemplary customer service mean the company technicians will be at your doorstep within minutes of receiving the emergency call.
  • Does the company adopt a transparent approach while explaining its terms of services? Be it offering customized services for your three stored building or even a money back guarantee, everything should be explained clearly along with a written warranty, before taking up the project.
A prudent approach is the only way to tide over uncomfortable summer months with a comfortable utility bill.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Air Conditioning Requirements

Air conditioning is a necessity in certain parts of the United States while, heating arrangement is a must-have in some other areas. When it comes to air conditioning needs in San Francisco Bay Area, one thing can be said is that the requirement is not that intense as compared to the southwest or deep south. Actually residents of the Bay Area are blessed with quite a pleasant weather. Hence they don’t always require the same degree of temperature control as is needed in some other states. Residents in SF Bay Area can thus enjoy diverse air conditioning options. The ultimate aim of San Francisco air conditioning service providers is to guarantee the most pleasant living condition at your home within reasonable price.

Different Types of San Francisco Air Conditioning Options

In general, air conditioning options for San Francisco residents are almost the same as in other parts of the country. As mentioned, it is the moderate temperature of the Bay Area which makes it best fit for nearly every type of air conditioner that is available in the market. What is needed is to pick up an AC unit which is energy efficient, easy to maintain and  cost saving.

To ensure comfort in every room, central air conditioning is the most logical, efficient and cost-effective option.

The only problem with central AC is that if you are installing it for the first time then be prepared to spend a lump-sum amount. Since the installation for most central AC systems involves huge amount of ductwork, the overall process indeed comes at a price. Ductless or mini-duct AC is economical alternative for those who have limited budget. Again if you are already having the central cooling unit but thinking of upgrading it, then better try out a latest and efficient condenser. This will surely help improve the system performance and cut down your monthly electricity bills too.

Alternatives to Conventional Air Conditioning System

Bay Area residents are well aware of the changing temperature over there. It doesn’t vary dramatically but the weather condition still demands cooling in winter and heating in summer to maintain a pleasurable temperature inside the house  Thus many AC companies have come up with a unique concept whereby installing a single unit will serve both heating and cooling purposes. Since only one ductwork is needed in such units, that helps reduce installation costs. Only word of caution is that such system might not work in extreme weather conditions. However, keeping the moderate temperature of SF Bay Area in mind, such a unit should efficiently serve the basic purpose of heating and cooling throughout the year.

If you are interested in installing a new AC unit or want to modify the existing one, it is recommended that you consult any San Francisco air conditioning specialist for authentic opinion.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

How a Typical Maintenance Checklist should Look Like

We dutifully keep a grocery list or a to-do list but for something that accounts for more than its fair share on our expense list, we simply leave on the back burner. Making a maintenance checklist spares your wallet and also avoids much confusion. With regular maintenance you can curb problems when small and ensure optimal performance of your HVAC system.

Here goes the checklist,

Check Thermostat Settings - The thermostat controls both the heating and cooling systems of homes with central heat and air conditioning. It detects the temperature of the room and compares it to the desired temperature setting. Set the thermostat at least 5 degrees higher or lower than your normal setting, depending on the season. Set it 5 degrees higher than normal during summer and 5 degrees lower during winter.

Inspect Electrical Connections - Measure voltage and current on motors. Faulty electrical connections can cause unsafe operation of your system and reduce the life of major components.

Lubricate Moving Parts - Oiling all moving parts can prolong the life of your HVAC system. Parts that are not lubricated may wear out faster leading to repairs. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in this regard.

Check Condensate Drain - A plugged drain can cause water damage in the house and affect indoor humidity levels in your central air conditioner, furnace and/or heat pump (when in cooling mode).

Clean Evaporator and Condenser Air Conditioning Coils - Over time the surfaces of these coils can become dirty as the air moving through the coils can contain dust, moisture and other contaminants. Clean coils save your utility bills; while, dirty coils consume more electricity.

Clean and Adjust Blower Components – Proper airflow reduces your system's efficiency up to 15 percent. So, keep a watch on the blower components always!

Check Gas (or oil) Connections, Gas Pressure, Burner Combustion and Heat Exchanger - Routine furnace maintenance and cleaning don’t require special skills. Just a few basic hand tools can do it for you. Improper gas (or oil) connections or cracked heat exchanger can make the equipment less safer and efficient.

Seal your Heating and Cooling Ducts - You would be shocked at how much heating and cooling escapes through your ductwork before it ever flows through your vents.

Clean/Replace your Air Filter Regularly - A dirty filter can increase energy costs leading to early failure. If you are using it more, check your filter every month as a dirty filter can slow down air flow wasting energy.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector - A furnace that is out of adjustment can leave CO in your home, this device can help protect from CO poisoning 

Over half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling. So making smart decisions about your home's heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can have a critical impact on your utility bills and your comfort. Take that first step to protect yourself, your loved ones and to secure your home.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

When and why would you require a Zoning System

Different areas of the house may have different temperature requirements as do members living in the residence. What may be hot to one member may be cold to another. Heat has a tendency to rise up which leaves the main floor cool and the floor above it hot. Apart from this, windows located to the south absorb too much sun, making certain rooms unpleasantly hot, while the northerly winds make some rooms feel uncomfortably cool.

Add some of modern day’s most desired features, and the problem gets even worse. Cathedral or vaulted ceilings, large glass expanses, solariums, finished basements, lofts — they all can cause room temperatures to fluctuate dramatically. Expecting a single thermostat to control variations throughout the house is next to impossible. This is the reason why we need something that can regulate room temperature to make it more comfortable.

There's only one way to even out the problem, through system zoning.

What is system zoning?

System zoning is a simple process. It involves fixing several thermostats wired to a control panel that operates a number of dampers in the forced air cooling or heating system. The thermostats continuously read the temperature of their particular zone, then close or open the dampers inside the ductwork as per the thermostat's settings. System zoning is not only helpful for houses that have inconsistent room temperatures, but is also a good option for cooling or heating individual rooms based on the preferred temperature setting.

Why Is it Needed?

Owners will require system zoning in their houses if one or more of the conditions exist:
  • There are huge, open areas like lofts or vaulted ceilings, a solarium, or an atrium
  • The house has more than one floor
  • There are rooms in the attic or basement
  • There are rooms with extensive glass areas
  • Cooling and heating temperature patterns tend to vary at different hours of the day
  • A part of the house has been built on a concrete floor
  • The house has wings spreading off the living area

The Benefits:

Energy efficient:

If utilized in a proper manner, system zoning can help save a lot of money on the energy bills. In fact, it is believed that system zoning can save owners approximately 30 percent on a normal cooling and heating bill. These savings can certainly add up to a heavy sum. Also, because seldom-used rooms and guest rooms don't require continuous cooling or heating, system zoning helps save on unnecessary bills by running temperature-controlled air only when it is needed.


Every floor or room in the house has its own temperature needs. The zoning system removes cold and hot spots from every area of the house, making it more comfortable, regardless of its type, design or size.

Most homeowners are unwilling or hesitant of using programmable thermostats because of the initial fee of installation. This is certainly an understandable concern. However, if they focus on the bigger picture, they will realize the long term financial benefits. It is also very important to get the installation done by a professional. There are several providers that offer superior air quality solutions that cater to varying budgets. The best way to find out about such providers is to search online. Most companies have websites displaying their services and products. Home owners can round off to the one that best suits their budget and needs, after getting a quote from at least four providers.

Whether you're building a new house or are updating your house to be more energy-efficient, healthy, and sustainable, using a zoning system will certainly help you achieve this goal.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Finding the right HVAC contractor

A heating, ventilating and air conditioning system is designed to suit our individual needs. However all of us take for granted the comfort provided by our central air conditioners, heat pumps or furnaces until something goes wrong and the unit needs to be serviced or replaced. When disaster strikes, you need a quality heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor who is knowledgeable, experienced and competent to do the job. Choosing the right HVAC contractor is almost like choosing a life partner because careful consideration is required.

It is very easy to fall victim to unskilled, even unethical contractors trying to make a quick buck from homeowners eager to restore their cooling systems. Hiring an unqualified contractor may result in the need for expensive and unwarranted repairs to fix problems created by them.

What you need is a quality contractor who knows not only to service your equipment but to design and install the right system for you in compliance with the regulatory and local codes of proper business and workers’ compensation insurance. He must be attentive to your problem, survey the area, reliable, fast, and courteous and most importantly must be abreast with the newest technology and developments, equipment and design procedures to ensure that you get not only an efficient system but one that suits your pocket. If you find one that cares for the environment too that’s a bonus you don’t want to miss. He must also recommend a planned preventative maintenance service to maximize the life of your equipment.

Before making calls in different directions, arm yourself with all the relevant information (brand and model number of the current unit, thermostat[s] and past service history. Knowing your home’s current situation gives homeowners a great place to start. Do remember to ask the contractor for references of customers. Better still ask around your family, friends and colleagues for firsthand experience or if they know someone that recently got some HVAC work done. Check if he comes with the required licenses, certifications and is partners with obligatory associations like NATE, North American Technician Excellence, it is the nation’s largest and most prestigious technical certification organization in the heating and cooling industry. Be sure to obtain bids from a few different companies and weigh what you are receiving with each price. Once you have narrowed it down to your top 3-5 choices, set up times for an in-home estimate. Post inspection and deliberation on the alternatives get a written estimate for the job. Don’t feel shy to ask about a guarantee. It must be written and should state clearly what is guaranteed, who is responsible for the guarantee and how long the guarantee is valid. Make final payments only when all work is completed to your satisfaction and pay by check never by cash. It's always a smart idea to purchase the most energy efficient HVAC system solution you can afford, so ask our contractor to run options by you. Leverage technology - review web sites like Yelp and Google but use caution. Check reviews but ascertain its credibility first. Most manufacturers will not allow poor contractors to be displayed on their web site, so that’s a good starting point. It is helpful to know if the company has a policy to show up on time or refund money.

Remember that not all HVAC contractors are created equal! So do not be afraid to be very diligent in asking questions because choosing the right HVAC contractor can mean the difference between an installation that goes smoothly and provides years of trouble-free comfort and one that winds up costing you thousands in wasted money and aggravation.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Do-It-Yourself HVAC - Should I do it?

Putting your feet up in a newly renovated attic space in the summer sounds like a super idea, but the room is like a sauna! What can possibly be done to make the top floor as cool as the first and not cause the utility bills to skyrocket? Well for starters, you can hand pick an efficient system and make sure that ducts are well sealed which is essential to keep every room of the house cool.

Understanding what an efficient HVAC system is and its potential is where the secret lies. HVAC is an acronym that stands for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning. It is the most distorted term in construction and often HVAC is completely misunderstood by consumers and even by seasoned industry professionals. HVAC affects the health of the indoor environment and that of its occupants; the consumption of utilities and thus monthly operating costs, the temperature and humidity of building materials and furnishings. Armed with some good HVAC knowledge for beginners and some help from professionals you can avoid that "swimming with the sharks" type of experience.

So let’s hypothetically say you can go to a Home Depot type distributor of HVAC and procure all the components for a do-it-yourself system….then what? Now you’ve become the defacto mechanical contractor on the site and have to deal with the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the system. Spare yourself the hassle both physically and on the pocket and treat yourself to some serious help. Call a professional or a contractor to do what he does best.

However there are things that you can do as a do-it-yourself maintenance. These actions when done in a timely manner will help keep your home in top condition.
  • Be sure to periodically clean or replace the filters - it's probably time to clean or replace the dust and dirt catcher once in 90 days to prevent you from sneezing your way into winter mornings. A clean filter maximizes your furnace's efficiency and longevity-- and minimizes your energy bills.
  • Keep outdoor units clean – The outdoor unit of your air conditioner contains the compressor, used to generate cooler air in the warm months. Leaves, grass, and other debris are either sucked into the unit or blown in. The accumulated debris can significantly reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning unit and dramatically raise your utility bills.
  • Keeping it clean - A/C or heat pump condensate drains can become clogged, leading to condensate leaks, spillage, or even bacterial hazards in a building. Clogged air conditioner condensate drain lines can form another source of air conditioner or heat pump condensate leakage that can in turn lead to hidden water damage or in some locations an indoor mold, bacterial contamination, mildew, algae and other debris can collect in the condensate pan and drain line.
  • Clean evaporator and condenser coils - Evaporator coils are a place that mold grows best. In addition to constant dampness, the supply side of the coil is in contact with outside air and the dirt that isn’t caught by filters. So once or twice per year be sure to give it a good scrub.
  • Maintaining Your HVAC System - Routine maintenance can lower utility costs, reduce equipment-replacement costs, and keep tenants/occupants happy.
Things inevitably go wrong with heating and AC systems, and sooner or later, your system will probably require a repair. So don’t risk personal intervention, be proactive and follow preventive maintenance but when there is a problem be wise and call in the expert.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Insulation – it’s more than what meets the eye

Building insulation refers broadly to any object in a building used as insulation for any purpose. Predominantly used for building insulation it adds to the building’s comfort and energy efficiency. Thermal insulation is the second most commonly used insulation wherein materials are used to reduce the rate of heat transfer. Soundproofing, also known as acoustic insulation ensures that the intensity of sound is reduced. Electrical insulation uses material to resist the flow of electric current and magnetism while another means is insulated glass which also saves energy. In recent times fire insulation and impact insulation (e.g. for vibrations caused by industrial applications) also play a vital role. The latest entrant in insulation is Fiberglass insulation, a man-made mineral fiber constructed from a variety of materials, such as sand and recycled glass. More than 90 percent of homes in America are lined with this pink stuff thus emerging as the most popular form of insulation in the United States. As the benefits stand, there are many apprehensions about the damage fiberglass can cause over time. It is known to cause health problems like immediate skin irritation, and some researchers fear inhaling fiberglass particles could cause cancer.

Insulating our buildings is one of the most imperative parts of any construction as insulation has a big effect on the cost of energy. As we have learnt in school heat naturally flows from a warm space to a cool space, and our homes and work places suffer from this transfer. Warm air from the inside will move to the outside and make us cold in winter. In contrast hot air moves from the outside to the inside and makes it uncomfortably warm in summer.

Unless your home and workplaces were specially constructed for energy efficiency, you can possibly reduce your energy bills by adding more insulation. Several older buildings have less insulation than buildings built today, but fret not, adding insulation to a newer building can pay for itself within a few years. To determine whether you require additional insulation, estimate how much insulation you already have in your building and how it is spread out. Invest in a home energy audit or an energy assessment. It will also help identify areas of your home that are in need of air sealing. An insulation check done as a routine part of a whole-house energy assessment done by a certified home energy auditor will also come in handy. One golden rule to remember is that before you insulate, you should make sure that your home is properly air sealed.

Fortunately we have heating and air conditioning systems to fix these problems, but the more opportunities warm air gets to flow out of or into the house, the harder those systems have to work. As those systems work harder, we use more energy and pay much higher utility bills. That is why HVAC insulation services sustain comfortable temperature indoors, with their manifold options. The best suited in terms of the return on investment (ROI) is the HVAC insulation through reflective insulation made by the sandwiched model of aluminium foil and polyethylene bubbled film. Available in two different variants of single bubble insulation and double bubble insulation films, the later one gives you the better protection against the needs of HVAC insulation because of its twin layered of polyethylene bubbles that responds very slow against the unwanted temperature change.

Proper HVAC insulation system is fundamental for homes and industrial constructions for its two prong benefit, it not only saves good amount of money by reducing the energy consumption but it also helps to reduce greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere, which is the need of the hour.