Central heating helps in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the house with only minor variations in heating from room to room. The system gets rid of the unpleasant floor or wall-mounted heaters. Although installation of central heating should be left to a professional, with few simple tools, you can also do it yourself.
How is central heating installed?
Create a blueprint:
The first step involves deciding where the ducting will run with the help of an updated plan of the house. The most important thing to see is if the house has a cellar or an attic. If the house has both, you will have to decide between the floors or ceilings to create vent openings. 
The next step involves cutting out vent openings in the ceiling or floor and installing duct openings.
Decide where the air handler and furnace will go and mount them as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Move the ducting to the farthest opening from the furnace.
Also, mount a Y-pipe for every duct opening. Add a second Y-pipe to make two close openings in rooms. Fit hard ducting within a couple of feet of the duct opening and link it with flexible ducting. Repeat the process for each duct opening. If required, cover the main duct with a cap.
Also, mount a Y-pipe for every duct opening. Add a second Y-pipe to make two close openings in rooms. Fit hard ducting within a couple of feet of the duct opening and link it with flexible ducting. Repeat the process for each duct opening. If required, cover the main duct with a cap.
Make sure all ducting connections are secure by installing three self-tapping screws around every connection. Coat the connection and screw location liberally with sealing putty.
Direct a 20 gauge cable from the furnace to the location where you wish to mount your thermostat. Connect all the wires at both the ends as per installation instructions for every unit. Thermostat connections will require a screwdriver, while connections at the furnace-side may require twisting together the two wires and securing them with wire nuts or screw blocks.
Rout 12-2:
Direct a 12-2 wire from the air handler and furnace to the electrical breaker/ fuse panel. Connect white to white and black to black. Twist the wire nuts securely onto both the connections. You will also have to fix the bare wire to a secure ground.
The last step involves connecting all the wires to the electrical panel and getting the heating unit ready. This stage involves moving fuses and breakers for balancing the electrical load.
Although it is possible to install central heating on your own, it is best to leave the technicalities to professionals. The installation of the system is complex and requires technical know-how. There are several expert HVAC installation and maintenance companies out these who can help you with your system and ensure it works seamlessly all season long.
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