Friday, 23 March 2018

Do not load your HVAC

A compressor is extremely important to ensure the cooling and heating of your home. By pumping coolant into the system, it produces heat as a standard part of operation. However, in case it gets very hot, it will shut down.

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Overloading of the compressor:

Overload of AC compressor is extremely common reason for malfunction, and normally happens on the coldest or hottest days, when the HVAC is working round the clock. It’s accountable for almost 50% of component failures. This is a very serious issue – and can also be very expensive if it develops into compressor failure. Pertaining to the system’s age, it may require complete replacement of the system.

Compressor Burn out - Causes:

The main cause of compressor burnout is bad installation, neglect, and maintenance, including…

1.     Dirty condenser coils.
2.     Dirty air filters.
3.     Undercharged or overcharged refrigeration system.
4.     Leaks in the refrigerant.
5.     Moisture within the refrigeration system.
6.     Added heat sources situated close to the condenser.
7.     Improper airflow.
8.     Lack of airflow from debris.
9.     Other failures.
10. Loose corroded wires and insufficient electrical supply inside the house, leading to low voltage problems.

How to prevent compressor overloads from damage?

Do not neglect maintenance.

It is a good idea to change the air filter quarterly. Clear all debris from the external system, keeping a clearance of 18-36 inches at all sides, and about four feet above.

Hire a trusted professional.

If you want your HVAC to be properly installed make sure you hire a professional. It is also advisable to undergo routine seasonal maintenance such as, verifying the refrigerant levels, connections and lubrication, operation confirmation, coil cleaning, and the like.

Consider extra protection.

If you add a compressor overload protector, it can secure your HVAC system. Situated close to the condenser, this superior sensor observes temperatures, and shuts the compressor down temporarily for preventing it from overheating. If you turn off the system to let the compressor cool, it can prevent any overload and warn you against problems that may otherwise become very expensive.

In case you have a compressor which is overheated, it is extremely important to uncover why, and not just replace components as that could lead to a repeat. In case your HVAC has experienced increased overheating, make sure you seek help, before it gets too late.

With just a little effort and knowledge, you can make sure that your system runs smoothly and efficiently. It is also a good idea to hire a professional HVAC expert who has the knowledge and expertise to keep your system from running smoothly. Do not neglect HVAC maintenance if you wish to spend less money repairing the system.  

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